【温哥华老白】加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河,2023年度Powell River房地产市场大盘点

# A brief summary


Sales have been quite a bit lower in Dec 2023, compared to 2022. Sales totals are lower and days on market have increased again, marking the fourth month in a row of significantly higher days on the market compared to the average in 2022.



Condo sales exhibited strength in December 2023, outperforming the same period in 2022 with a notable difference of 5-1 units sold. Additionally, the average days on the market for the year 2023 significantly improved, registering at 65 days compared to 104 days in 2022.


However, the overall real estate market in 2023 faced a decline in the total value of units sold, the number of units sold, and new listings in both residential and non-residential sectors, in comparison to the figures from 2022. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including economic conditions, fluctuating interest rates, and a shift in buyer behavior.



A noteworthy aspect is the substantial reduction in active listings at the end of 2023, pointing towards a decrease in overall inventory. This reduction is impacting buyer choices and market competitiveness.


近日,加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河地产局PRSCREB, Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board)发布202312月份及全年度的房地产市场行情报告,下面就由老白为大家做一个总结盘点。



# 2023年12月小结:





当月,Powell River总计售出14套住宅物业,包括7套独立屋(Single House)、5套公寓(Condo/Apartment)和2套移动房(Mobile Home),成交数量持续保持低位。该数据和上个月的14套持平,比去年同期的11套月度销量略有增加。



另外,Powell River12月份独立屋平均成交价为$639,986加币,相比去年同期的$466,089加币大幅增加了37.3%,中间价位更是大涨54%,平均成交时间也比去年同期缩短了近40%



# 2023年度数据:


放眼2023全年,Powell River市场上总计售出255套住宅物业,包括194套独立屋(Single House)、36套公寓(Condo/Apartment)和25套移动房(Mobile Home),该数据比2022年的323套全年成交量大幅下降了21%。



2023全年,Powell River的独立屋平均成交价为$723,407加币,与2022年度的$737,407加币基本持平,仅小幅下降了1.9%。不过需要指出的是,2023年度的独立屋平均成交时间却比前一年增加了近一倍,达到了68天(2022年仅为36天)。



另一方面,2023Powell River房产市场的新上盘物业数量及整体存盘量也一直在大幅下降。截至2023年底,市场上的待售物业存盘量为156套,其中仅有100套为住宅物业,比2022年底的数量下降约20%,同时也创造了年度新低!



# 当前房市的分析及建议: 


时间进入2024年,阳光海岸Powell River的房产市场形势依旧严峻。持续的房地产低迷行情已经导致越来越多的卖家放弃卖房打算,纷纷转为租赁或观望,这也让买家的选择空间越来越小,形成恶性循环,而且短期之内这一趋势恐怕很难改变,除非加拿大央行出台大幅降息或其它重大利好消息。



目前买方市场的趋势会一直延续,不急于购房的朋友可以进一步观望以待更好的时机。而对于有刚需购房的朋友,尤其是现金在手的买家,老白继续推荐大家可以找准机会下手,Low Ball Offer说不定也能有机会收获惊喜!



# 好房推荐:加拿大BC省阳光海岸Powell River, 鲍威尔河市中心准新房上市,叫价仅$59.9万加币!地址:7304 Edgehill CrescentPowell River, BC 












